"Object Reconnaissance" is a work of fiction that depicts actual artifacts, historical archives, and museum collections from the Netherlands. The story is set in the 1960s and references events such as the Indonesian mass killings, the Free Papua Movement, and stories of forced displacement. The narrative follows the fictional character Ratna "Merah Muda" Bakti, an Indonesian activist associated with the Gerwani movement who fled to the Netherlands in 1965 during the political crisis.
In the present day, her granddaughter, Ria Bloem, seeks to uncover Merah's past by exploring letters, family albums, and Super 8 films. During her investigation, Ria discovers photos of a significant ceremonial object, a seashell, which has gone missing. Intrigued, she sets out to find the shell, leading her to uncover family secrets that shed light on Dutch colonial history.
Produced by Nóema Films
Co-produced by VRIZA Productions
Object Reconnaissance is generously supported by the Netherlands Film Fund / Mondriaan Fund—de Korte Verbeelding, the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, and Cultuurfonds.
Duration 29:43